
解釈と共感 書き直し ② 大文字のD 書き直し ③

私の私淑し、その著書を翻訳までした Hoffmann が次のように述べている。
そう、解釈はやさしく伝えられないと人はそれを飲み込めないという。関係論者ならではの発言と言える。しかしこの文章はむしろ、解釈の重要性が今でも論じられていることを意味していることにはならないだろうか? もしそうであるならば、どうしてなのだろうか? それに対して一つの答えは次のようなものである。「人は自分の心の深層を知りたいという欲求を持つのだ。」という主張である。もしそうであるならば、患者の側の無意識を、患者に先んじて見通すことが出来た治療者が与える解釈には正当性があるということになる。そこでその問題から考えたい。
私が以上の論述から何を言いたいのか? おそらく私たちが治療の目標としてしばしば掲げる「自分をもう少し知りたい」は、きわめて条件付きのものということである。そして「自分をよりよく知ること」を治療の第一の目標として掲げることをやめる時、私たちのカウンセリングや精神療法に対する考え方は振り出しに戻るということだ。

大文字のD 書き直し ③

Historical review

The controversy around the notion of dissociation dates back to Freud. The more we explore his views on dissociation, the deeper we are impressed about how much Freud attempted to distance himself from this idea. It was already obvious in the “Studies of Hysteria” that he co-authored with Joseph Breuer, far before his well known conflict with Pierre Janet on the topic. What is remarkable is that Freud’s attitude toward dissociation as well as dissociative patients replicates itself in current psychoanalytical sessions as was demonstrated by the initial short vignette.
 When Freud realized that many hysterical patients suffered from childhood abuse and trauma, he prompted Breuer into writing the book with him. Freud proposed that there are different types of hysteria, such as “hypnoid hysteria” as well as “retention hysteria” and “defense hysteria”. However, his dissatisfaction with Breuer's idea of hypnoid (dissociative) state was obvious in the same book. In the last chapter of the “Studies of Hysteria” (Freud, 1895, p.286)
Now both of us, Breuer and I, have repeatedly spoken of two other kinds of hysteria, for which we have introduced the terms ‘hypnoid hysteria’ and ‘retention hysteria’. It was hypnoid hysteria which was the first of all to enter our field of study. I could not, indeed, find a better example of it than Breuer's first case, which stands at the head of our case histories. Breuer has put forward for such cases of hypnoid hysteria a psychical mechanism which is substantially different from that of defense by conversion. In his view what happens in hypnoid hysteria is that an idea becomes pathogenic because it has been received during a special psychical state and has from the first remained outside the ego. No psychical force has therefore been required in order to keep it apart from the ego and no resistance need be aroused if we introduce it into the ego with the help of mental activity during somnambulism. And Anna O.'s case history in fact shows no sign of any such resistance.
I regard this distinction as so important that, on the strength of it, I willingly adhere to this hypothesis of there being a hypnoid hysteria. Strangely enough, I have never in my own experience met with a genuine hypnoid hysteria. Any that I took in hand has turned into a defence hysteria. It is not, indeed, that I have never had to do with symptoms which demonstrably arose during dissociated states of consciousness and were obliged for that reason to remain excluded from the ego. This was sometimes so in my cases as well; but I was able to show afterwards that the so-called hypnoid state owed its separation to the fact that in it a psychical group had come into effect which had previously been split off by defence. In short, I am unable to suppress a suspicion that somewhere or other the roots of hypnoid and defence hysteria come together, and that there the primary factor is defence. But I can say nothing about this. (Studies of Hysteria,1895, p285., stress added by Okano)
Freud did not forget this issue and later made it clearer even in “Dora’s case”, as follows.
…I should like to take this opportunity of stating that the hypothesis of ‘hypnoid states’—which many reviewers were inclined to regard as the central portion of our work—sprang entirely from the initiative of Breuer. I regard the use of such a term as superfluous and misleading, because it interrupts the continuity of the problem as to the nature of the psychological process accompanying the formation of hysterical symptoms. Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria (1905) P27 Underlined by Okano
 Why was Freud so much opposed to the idea of “hypnoid state” that he later considered  “superfluous and misleading”? Because the latter presupposes the splitting of the mind, which, according to him was not a dynamic explanation. Freud’s stance is clearer in his statements found in the “Psychoneuroses of Defense" (1894), in which he chose also Janet as a target of his criticism of the same nature.
Let me begin with the change which seems to me to be called for in the theory of the hysterical neurosis.
Since the fine work done by Pierre Janet, Josef Breuer and others, it may be taken as generally recognized that the syndrome of hysteria, so far as it is as yet intelligible, justifies the assumption of there being a splitting of consciousness, accompanied by the formation of separate psychical groups.1 Opinions are less settled, however, about the origin of this splitting of consciousness and about the part played by this characteristic in the structure of the hysterical neurosis.
According to the theory of Janet (1892-4 and 1893), the splitting of consciousness is a primary feature of the mental change in hysteria. It is based on an innate weakness of the capacity for psychical synthesis, on the narrowness of the ‘field of consciousness (champ de la conscience)’ which, in the form of a psychical stigma, is evidence of the degeneracy of hysterical individuals.
In contradistinction to Janet's view, which seems to me to admit of a great variety of objections, there is the view put forward by Breuer in our joint communication (Breuer and Freud, 1893). According to him, ‘the basis and sine quâ non of hysteria’ is the occurrence of peculiar dream-like states of consciousness with a restricted capacity for association, for which he proposes the name ‘hypnoid states’. In that case, the splitting of consciousness is secondary and acquired; it comes about because the ideas which emerge in hypnoid states are cut off from associative communication with the rest of the content of consciousness.2
I am now in a position to bring forward evidence of two other extreme forms of hysteria in which it is impossible to regard the splitting of consciousness as primary in Janet's sense. In the first of these [two further] forms I was repeatedly able to show that the splitting of the content of consciousness is the result of an act of will on the part of the patient; that is to say, it is initiated by an effort of will whose motive can be specified. By this I do not, of course, mean that the patient intends to bring about a splitting of his consciousness. His intention is a different one; Freud, “Psychoneuroses of Defense" 1894, p.46, stress added by Okano.